
We are a privately owned and operated company located in the 124th Street Business District in Edmonton, Alberta. Arrai Innovation places a high value on creativity, independent thought, and excellent customer service in its personnel. All of Arrai’s developers and system administrators are local, full-time, long service employees.

Arrai Innovations’ team consists of a small cohesive group of motivated experienced developers and system administrators with experience with the following tools:

  • Django

  • PostgreSQL

  • Python

  • JavaScript

  • NodeJS

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • Mobile Apps

  • Linux (System administration)

job postings

Arrai currently has no open positions for which we are hiring. To be considered for a future position vacancy, you may submit a resume and cover letter to Resumes will be kept on file for 12 months from the date of submission and will be evaluated in the order in which they were received in the case that we open a position for hiring.