case studies
Softscreen is an online tool that provides complete rental screening to property managers, listing agents and landlords.
What problem did you need solved by Arrai?
“Softscreen contracted Arrai to develop, build and deploy a multifaceted, highly secure website to communicate with an existing, third-party API. The website needed to perform many tasks, including but not limited to creation of a three-tiered account creation module, automated order entry and tracking, inventory asset entry and tracking, inter-relational account communication, document and data storage and expiration.”
How did the process work to find a solution to this problem?
“Arrai reviewed technical specifications, developed an outline of the project in its entirety, built, tested, fine-tuned and executed flawlessly.“
What did you think of the process? How were ongoing communications and updates?
“The process was organized, methodical and detailed. Ongoing communications and updates, both scheduled and on the fly, were continuous and consistent. The team at Arrai is accessible and interactions were, and continue to be, easy.”
What was the final product?
“A highly complex website that accomplished and continues to achieve all stated goals.“
What kind of effect did Arrai services have had on your business?
“Simply put, the website is the business. Arrai’s expertise and excellence has enabled the business to function and grow.”
Would you recommend Arrai to others?